Morning assembly (community helpers)

Written by : | Published Date : 26/10/2019 08:10 PM

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Manarat AlKhobar International School encourages compassion and gratitude to community helpers through awareness program and morning assembly.

Primary students performed a morning assembly reminding their peers of the many people that help us daily that we often forget to give gratitude for their services. Many third grade students dressed in various costumes, ranging from police, firemen, and military soldiers to grocers and chefs, and each profession mentioned aloud their services to the community and how they help make our lives enjoyable and safe every day. The assembly concluded with a song performed by the students about community helpers and gifts and notes of appreciation were given to our own cleaning staff for their help and services to the school.

This theme also carried over to classrooms, and class teachers opened a discussion about community helpers in their classes. Children were asked what they learned and remembered from the assembly, and students were able to have an open forum discussion about community helpers. Moreover, teachers asked the students to give the cleaning staff and hug and tell them thank you for their service when they see them in the corridors.